Bs 5351 Standard
Informations utiles sur la robinetterie industrielle. Guide de la robinetterie industrielle. Ce site FRANCE ROBINETTERIE pour objet de vous aider dans la. Mon objectif est de vous permettre de slectionner le fournisseur adapt votre demande. Le domaine de la robinetterie est vaste et complexe, les normes de. La dfinition de vos robinets ou vannes est donc stratgique pour votre installation industrielle. La robinetterie se dfinit selon un ceratin nombre de critres le diamtre ou DN la pression de service la temprature de service le fluide vhicul la fonction xerce par celle ci sectionnement, rgulation, protection. MATIERES UTILISEESA4. CPA4. 80. APA4. 20. FPA4. 20. F2. 0 D5. M 1. 5 CD5. 0. 5M 1. CD9. 1. 0M Z1. 5 CD5. M Z6 CN1. 8. 1. 0M Z6 CNNb. MZ6 CND1. 8. 1. 2MFC 3. MGG 2. 5 FGL 2. 50. GGG 4. 0 3. GGG 4. FGS 4. 00 1. 8FGS 4. BF4. 8BF4. 8N XC 1. A4. 8 CP BF4. 8 F A4. FP BF2. 5 D5 BF1. CD2 0. 5 BF1. 5 CD4 0. BF1. 5 CSD5 0. 3 0. BF1. 0 CD9 1. 0 BFZ1. CD5 0. 5BFZ6 CN1. BFZ6 CNT1. 8 1. 0BFZ6 CNNb. BFZ6 CND1. 7 1. 1BFZ2 CND1. BF1. 2N4 BFZ2 CN1. C 3. 5 ST 6. 0. 2 TT st 4. V wbl 6. 80. 16 MO 5 Sel. MO 4 wbl 5. 50. 13 Cr MO 4 4 1. Cr MO 4 4 1. 3 Cr MO 4 4 1. Cr MO 9 1. 0 X5 Cr Ni 1. X1. 0 Cr Ni Ti 1. X1. 0 Cr Ni Nb 1. X5 Cr Ni Mo 1. 8 1. X2 Cr Ni Mo 1. 8 1. Bs 5351 Standard' title='Bs 5351 Standard' />Ni 1. Ni 1. Wb 6. 80. GS C 2. GS CK 2. 4GS 2. 2MO 4. GS 1. 7 Cr MO 5 5. GS 1. 2 Cr MO 9 1. GS 1. 2 Cr MO 1. 9 5. SE W 5. 95. GX. 2. Cr MO V 1. 21. GX 8 Cr Ni 1. GX 1. 0 Cr Ni MO 1. GS 1. 0 Ni 1. 4 wbl 6. ACIER CARBONECUPRO ALUMINIUMLAITONACIER INOXIDABLEFONTEURANUS. PTFE DEVLONDELRINKEL FPEEKVESPELUHMWPETEFZEL A 1. LF2 F3. 04. F5 F5. F9 F9. 1 F1. 1 F2. F4. 4F5. 1F3. 21. F3. 04,F3. 04. LF3. HF3. 16. F3. 16. LF3. HF3. 16 TIF3. 17. Plug_Valve.jpg' alt='Bs 5351 Standard' title='Bs 5351 Standard' />F3. F3. 47. F4. Alloy 2. Monel 4. Monel 5. Hastelloy B Hastelloy C Inconel 8. Inconel 8. 25 Monel 4. Monel 5. 00 F5. 1 Titanium. A2. 16 WCB A2. 17 WC1. A2. 17 WC6 A2. 17 WC9 A2. Certified reference materials for spectroscopic analysis since 1968. BRITISH STANDARD. BS 1560 Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings. BS 2080 Facetoface, centretoface, endtoend, and centretoend dimension of flanged and butt. KACE Ball Valves was established in 1995 with the focus to become one of the most reliable, flexible and qualityminded ball valve manufacturers in the world. KITZ Steel Ball Valves Floating Ball Design Design and Inspection Standards KITZ Product Coding Product Range Design Features KITZ HYPATITE PTFE Ball Seats. KF Global BallValvesKFSeriesFBallValves Superior Fluid Control Products for the Petrochemical and Industrial Markets. M10S Ball Valve DN to DN2 TIP13306 ST Issue 17 Page 3 of 4 Dimensions approximate in mm Reduced bore Size A A1 A2 A3 A4 B B1 C C1 D D1 D2 D3 E. Valve Design BS 5351 ANSI B 16. API 6D Pressure Testing BS 6755 Part II API 598 API 6D Face To Face Mfg. Standard Flange Drilling ANSI B 16. BS 10. SEAMCAT is a free of charge integrated software tool based on the MonteCarlo simulation method. It permits statistical modelling of different radio interference. BS EN ISO 172922015 Metal ball valves for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries. British Standard European Standard International. C5 A2. 17 C1. 2 A3. LCB A3. 52 LCC A3. LC2 A3. 52 LC3 A3. CF8. M A3. 51 CF3. MA3. 51 CF8 A3. 51 CF3 3. NORMES DE REFERENCEANSI B1. ANSI B1. 6. 1. 0BS 1. BS 1. 87. 3BS 5. 14. BS 5. 15. 6BS 5. 35. BS 5. 35. 2BS 6. 75. DIN 2. 59. DIN 2. DIN 2. 53. 4DIN 2. DIN 3. 20. 2DIN 3. ISO 5. 21. 1 ISO 5. PED. API 5. API 5. API 6. AAPI 6. DAPI 6. API 6. 02. API 6. API 6. 08. API 6. API 6. 09. NFM 8. NFM 8. 74. 01. NFM 8. NFM 8. 74. 04. NFM 8. MSS SP 5. 5MSS SP 2. MSS SP 8. 4 NACE MR0. NFE 2. 93. 02. NFE 2. NFE 2. 93. 14. NFE 2. NFE 2. 93. 24. NFE 2. NFE 2. 93. 28. NFE 2. NFE 2. 93. 54. NFE 2. NFE 2. 93. 71. NFE 2. NFE 2. 93. 76. NFE 2. NFE 2. 93. 78. NFE 2. NFE 2. 94. 01. NFE 2. NFE 2. 94. 08. NFE 2. NFE 2. 94. 30. NFE 2. NFE 2. 94. 65. NFE 2. NFE 2. 94. 92 6. 0 IMPORTATEURS et EXPORTATEURSADGATM INSTRUMENTSBOMCITECCOMEVALDEIEUROPE VALVEGMRJANSENLOROBLRIPROINVALSALVISECTORIELSFERACOSOTECORSTEMATTECFLUTECOFIFCX TRANSMARKhttp www. MODELES COMMERCIAUXAFIBRAAPORIAAFIBRAAQUISORIA AXISSBOABOA XBOAXMATBOMBIXBRADLEY MAJORBRANOABVCLASARDANAIS DAUPHINDINEXDIRISEMARISENODIAEURO STAREUROVALVEINTERGATEISOISORIALYCENELURIAMAMMOUTH MASTER STARMATYLMEGA STARMINIRORNORIPICPRIAMRORSAFETYGATESEPALUSEPARFEUSICCASILAXSPIRALISSIRENESTANDARD STILISUPER STARTILISTYPE A TYPE KB ULTRA STAR VALREGVALSTAR. MARQUES IMPORTANTES DU MARCHEACC LA JONCHEREACHECH VALVESACTREGADCAADLERAIR TORQUEAKOALCOALFA VALVOLEALPHAIRAMISAMRIAPCOARGUSARI ARMATURENARMSTRONGARS ANTI RETOUR SYSTEMAUDCO INDIAASCOAUMAAUTEXIERAVKAYVAZBACBARBAYARDBELGICASTBELGIUM VENTIELBERGERBERNARD SABETTISBIFFIBONNEY FORGEBONOMIBRAYBTCBURACCOBURKERTCAMERONCESARE BONETICIPEGCIRCACMOCOLVESCONTROLLICORRI SERVAIS COYARDCRANECRT CONTROLECUMDAFRAMDANFOSSDARCODELTADESCOTEDILATOFLEXDOUGLAS CHERODUCROUXDURCOEATONEBROEFFEBIEFFEPI VALVAUTELOMATICEUROVALVEFACKERT SPEZIALARMATURENFARRISFASANIFCTFLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGIESFLUVALFMC TECHNOLOGIEFRIULCOGACHOTGEMUGESAGESTRAGHIBSONGLYNWEDGOODWINGTGUICHON VALVESH VALVES HATTERSLEY HEATONHERIONHYTORKINTERGATEIVCJJJCJOUCOMATICJOUVENEL ET CORDIERJUCKERJULES MARTINKAUSOKEYSTONEKINETROLKITZKLEINKLINGERKSBKTMLANGLEYLCMLEF INDUSTRIESLEFEBVRELESERLIMITORQUELUMPPLUPILVFMAIOLO e VACCAMALBRANQUEMAPEGAZMASTER GEARMAVINOXMECAFRANCEMECATHERMICMECA INOX GDMECAIRMETSO AUTOMATIONMG PRODUCTIONMIPMIROUXMTIMMUNZIGNAEGELENNEOTECHANICHOLSONNOAHNORISOMBONDASTOPORBINOXORIONOREGORORPACIFIC VALVESPAN KOREA METAL PK VALVESPERARPERSTAPETRASPETROLVALVESPLENTYPONT A MOUSSONPOYAMPRISMARAMUS INDUSTRIERING O VALVE RMA ROFORGERONFARDROTOLOKSACCAPSAFETYGATESAFISALVISAPAGSARASIN RSBDSART VON ROHRSAUNDERSSAUT DU TARN SDTSCHLESINGERSEDSEPAMESEGAULTSERN BALL VALVES SERN SUDSERV TRAYVOUSHAKOSIRCASISTO SGRMSIERSSIGEVALSNRI TECHNORSOCLASOLDOSOMAGEPSOMASSPIRAX SARCOSTARLINESTEINFLEXSUD ROBINETTERIE SRITECOFITHEVIGNOTTLVTRICENTRICTROUVAY CAUVINTTV TUFLINTRUFLOTYCO VALVESUFRUSVVAGVALBIAVALPESVALVAUTVALVOMETALVALVOSIDERVANADOURVANATOMEVELANVICTORVITASVOGTVRACOVYCRAMPINIRAYMONDIRIGAUROTORKSOCIETE GMI WINN VALVESWORCHESTERWOUTER WITZELXOMOXYARWAYZUBI 9. TERMES UTILISES EN ROBINETERIEAbrasion. Acides. Acier. Acier forgAcier inoxydable. Acier moulAir comprimAluminium. Ammoniaque. Amortisseurs de pression. Anti blier. Blind valve. Bride. Bride collerette. Bride plate Bride pleine Bride souder Bride visser. Bronze Bumper. By pass. Clapet crpine. Clapet de retenue. Clapet battant. Clapet soupape. Colonne de manuvre. Commande manuelle de secours. Compensateur de dilatation Compensateur de dilatation soufflet. Contrleur de circulation. Contrleur de niveau. Contrleur de pression. Contrleur de circulation. Corrosion. Coup de blier. Crpine Dbit. Dpression. Dshuileur de vapeur. Dtendeur. Deux pices. Diamtre. Disque de rupture. DNEau. Eau surchauffe. Echangeur de temprature. Ejecteur, lvateur. Electrovanne. Embotement double Embotement simple Essence. EtanchitFail safe. Filetage conique. Filetage cylindrique. FiltFiltre. Filtre duplex. Filtre simplex. Fonte. Fuite. Garniture de niveau Gaz. Hydrocarbures. Huile. Hydromtre. Indicateur de niveau Indicateur rfraction. Injecteur. Interrupteurs automatiques de pression. Joint. Joint dexpansion. Joint a lunette. Joint reversible. Laiton. Liquides. Lyre de dilatation. Manomtre bain de glycrine. Manomtre avec sparateur. Membrane dclatement. Monobloc. Orifice calbrPassage rduit. Passage intgral. Perte de charge. Ptrole. Plaque a orifice. Plomb. PNPompe. Pompe dpreuve. Poids. Portillon de scuritPression. Pression dpreuve. Pression nominale. Pression de rglage. Pression de service. Produit chimique. Purgeur dair automatique. Purgeur flotteur. Purgeur Rchauffeur. Reducteur debrayable. Reducteur manuelle. Rgulateur de niveau. Rgulateur de temprature. Rehausse. Robinet. Robinet boisseau. Robinet boisseau foncRobinet boisseau lubrifiRobinet boisseau renversRobinet boisseau sphrique Robinet dcharge Robinet distributeur. Robinet lectromagntique. Robinet dquerre. Robinet dextraction. Robinet flotteur. Robinet membrane. Robinet piston. Robinet pointeau. Robinet soufflet. Robinet soupape. Robinet tournant. Robinet tournant conique ou cylindrique. Saumure. Sparateur de vapeur. Siges obliques. Siges parallles. Soupape de sretSoupape contrepoids. Soupape ressort. Sphre. Stellite. Surpression. Tamis. Taraudage TaraudTemprature. Thermomtre. Tige. Tige vis extrieure. Tige vis intrieure. Tige montante. Tournant. Trois pices. Tube verre. Vanne. Vanne blocage mcanique. Vanne enveloppe chauffante. Vanne dextraction. Vanne libre dilatation. Vanne manuvre rapide. Vanne motorise. Vanne passage direct. Vanne papillon. Brammer Standard Database Search Form. A. SELECT CLASS All Classes CRM RM CRM RM SUS For a definition of these classes, please review our Introduction. B. MATERIAL FORM. All PowdersSands BallsPinsRingsRods Chips DiscsBlocksBars C. DATA SORTINGFirst Order by. Number. Use second order only. Alloy Number Class. Unit. Type. First order is useful for arranging a large number of materials. Second Order by Here you can enter a field Number, Unit, C, Ca. O, etc. that would ordinarily appear in the left column of your search results chart, or leave it blank. If you type Ca. O for example then only materials with Ca. Need For Speed Most Wanted Black Edition Trainers. O content will be displayed, and those materials will be listed in descending order by their Ca. O content. You can choose to view your results first, then hit your browser back button to refine your criteria. D. ITEMS ONLY AVAILABLE IN SETS. Include set only items Exclude set only items Limit search to sets only Note This option has no effect when searching XRF Sets. E. CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTSFor each element you would like to use in your search, enter the element and at least one of the corresponding values. For optimized results select All Types from your material base choice in section 1. When searching for concentrations that overlap 1. One search should be done for 7. Similarly, when searching for elements that overlap a multiple of 1. One search should be done for 2. Acoustica 31 Band Eq Windows. EXAMPLESElement. Minimum. Maximum. Alloy. 30. C 0. 1. 5Si. 0. 8. Nb. 0. 0 Al. 2O3. Number. BSBT STEP 3 EXECUTE SEARCHNote Larger tables will require more time to load.