Deploy Software On Ocs Inventory Deploy
Documentation Administration OCS Inventory NGAdminstrative Console Point your browser to http. Warning You must change the default password or better, add a new administrative user and remove the default admin user. Note All these features are only available to OCS Inventory NG administrators. Managing OCS Inventory NG Administration server users. Click on the toolbar Users menu to display all configured OCS Inventory NG Administration server users. Error creating thumbnail File missing. You can add new users by entering their name, password user will be able to change it when logged in, and selecting their type. Motor Trend reviews the 2016 Nissan Rogue where consumers can find detailed information on specs, fuel economy, transmission and safety. Find local 2016 Nissan Rogue. This is a comparison of notable free and open source configuration management software, suitable for tasks like server configuration, orchestration and infrastructure. You can choose between. Super Administrators user has the ability to configure all parameters of the product. Look like root. Local Administrators user has the ability to configure all parameters of the product authorized by the super administrator or administrator. Teledeploy requesters user has the ability to make a deployment request. Administrators user has the ability to configure all parameters of the product authorized by the super administrator. User user can only query the database and view results of inventory. It just has the top left Combo box of menu toolbar to run general queries. You can create new types as you want, with Add a new user tab. To delete a user, just click on red cross at the end of the corresponding line. Managing OCS Inventory NG general options. Access to main configuration page. Click on the toolbar Config menu to display all general options. Error creating thumbnail File missing. List of configuration variables. General options of configuration. Configuration options. Meaning. AUTODUPLICATELVLDuplicate computer detection. Select which values to use in duplicate detection. NKzEKcf.png' alt='Deploy Software On Ocs Inventory Deploy' title='Deploy Software On Ocs Inventory Deploy' />If multiple values are selected, they all must match for 2 machine records to be considered duplicate. CONFPROFILSDIRSpecify directory of profiles conf files. DEPLOYActivate or disable the automatic deployment of new agents. OCS Inventory is an open source Inventory solution. Well, its much more that that. Along with Inventory with asset tracking it does software deployment as well. Lemon Law firm representing owners of defective Hyundai vehicles and covered under the Lemon Law. Vehicle recall news and information. XXIIIrd Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Societyr Printable Program September 1416, 2017 University of Leipzig Campus Augustusplatz. Deploy Software On Ocs Inventory Deploy' title='Deploy Software On Ocs Inventory Deploy' />DOWNLOADActivate or disable package deployment feature. Turning off DOWNLOAD stop this functionality on the server AND on the agents. With DOWNLOAD off, once agents will have contacted OCS server, they will stop current download WITHOUT cleaning packages. DOWNLOADCYCLELATENCYTime in seconds to wait between each download cycle. DOWNLOADFRAGLATENCYTime in seconds to wait between each fragment download. DOWNLOADGROUPSTRACEEVENTSEnable or disable monitoring of the affected packages to a group at computer. DOWNLOADPACKDIRSpecify the directory to create packages. DOWNLOADPERIODLATENCYTime in seconds to wait between each download period. DOWNLOADPERIODLENGTHNumber of cycles per period. DOWNLOADREDISTRIBEnable or disable the feature Redistribution Server. DOWNLOADREPCREATDefine the directory to create packages for redistribution. DOWNLOADSERVERDOCROOTDefine the packages destination directory. DOWNLOADSERVERURISpecify the redistribution servers URI. DOWNLOADTIMEOUTValidity in days of a package on an agent. If the time used to download a package is over DOWNLOADTIMEOUT days, package will be cleaned and ERRTIMEOUT will be sent to ocs server. DOWNLOADURIFRAGSpecify the address where deployment packages fragments are located to activate them. DOWNLOADURIINFOSpecify the address where INFO files of deployment packages are located to activate them. ENABLEGROUPSEnable or disable the functionality of groups of machines. EXPORTSEPDefine the separator dump files. FREQUENCYSpecify the frequency in days of inventories. GENERATEOCSFILESEnable or disable the multi entities feature use ocsinventory injector. GROUPSCACHEOFFSETSpecify a range between 0 and the set value to avoid the simultaneous calculation of all groups. GROUPSCACHEREVALIDATESpecify the group validity. INVENTORYDIFFEnable or disable differential inventory to speed up the server. With differential inventory, only changes are stored by the server, not full inventory. INVENTORYFILTERENABLEDEnable or disable the authorization to change things on the fly by the filter system. INVENTORYFILTERFLOODIPEnable or disable the anti flooding filter of inventory. One IP address can send a new computer only once in the period. INVENTORYFILTERFLOODIPCACHETIMEDefine the period for INVENTORYFILTERFLOODIP in seconds. INVENTORYFILTERONEnable or disable the filter stack of inventory. INVENTORYTRANSACTIONEnable or disable database transactions on server. With transaction, an inventory is stored only if all data has been processed correctly. INVENTORYWRITEDIFFEnable or not the differential update of inventory sections at the engine. INVENTORYSESSIONONLYAccept an inventory only if a session is active. INVENTORYCACHEREVALIDATESpecify the cleaning frequency of inventory structures in cache. IPDISCOVERSpecify the number of agents that will run the IP discovery feature for each gateway subnet. If you leave the default value of 2, this means that the Communication server will ask the 2 most active computers on each subnet to run IP discovery feature. If you set it to 0, IP discovery will be disabled. IPDISCOVERBETTERTHRESHOLDSpecify the minimum difference in days to replace an ipdiscover agent. IPDISCOVERIPDDIRSpecify the cache directory of ipdiscover analyzes. IPDISCOVERLATENCYAgent will pause this many seconds between each IP address scan during IP discovery. IPDISCOVERMAXALIVEMaximum number of days between two inventories for an IP Discovery enabled computer to hold his status of IP discovery computer. An IP discovery enabled computer will lose his status if it has not been seen by the Communication server for more days than the number of days defined in this setting. Another computer in the same sub network will then be designated. IPDISCOVERNOPOSTPONEDisable or not the time before a first election. IPDISCOVERUSEGROUPSEnable or disable the use of groups for ipdiscover. LOCALPORTIP port of OCS Inventory NG Communication Server. LOCALSERVERIP address or DNS name of OCS Inventory NG Communication Server. LOGDIRSpecify the logs directory. LOGGUIEnable or not the logs of the GUI. LOGLEVELEnable or disable detailed log for Communication server. If enabled, server will write logs to file ocsinventory NG. NG for Linux and xamppapachelogs for Windows. LOGSCRIPTSpecify the logs directory of scripts. LOCKREUSETIMESpecify the lock validity of computer in seconds. OCSFILESFORMATDefine the format of the inventory file, compressed OCS or plain XML. OCSFILESOVERWRITEEnable or disable the storage of all inventories between a synchronization with a higher level server. OCSFILESPATHDefine the path of. OCS or. XML files. OLDCONFDIRSpecify the backups directory backups of profiles conf files. PROLOGFILTERONEnable or not the stack of filter prolog. PROLOGFREQControls how often the windows service agent runs. Specified in number of hours 1 2. The agent will contact the OCS server every PROLOGFREQ hours. The agent will not send an inventory if inventory is not older than FREQUENCY days. REGISTRYActivates or disables the registry query function. SESSIONVALIDITYTIMESpcifier la dure de validit dune session en secondes. SNMPActiver ou non la fonctionnalit SNMP. SNMPDIRSpcifier le rpertoire du fichier des communauts SNMP. SNMPINVENTORYDIFFActiver ou non la fonctionnalit de mise jour de linventaire snmp en se basant sur la table snmplaststate. SNMPURISpcifier ladresse du fichier des communauts SNMP. TABCACHEActiver ou non le cache des tableaux. Open Source CMDB Linuxaria. A fundamental item for those who work according to ITIL best practices is definitely CMDB. A configuration management database CMDB is a repository of information related to all the components of an information system. Although repositories similar to CMDBs have been used by IT departments for many years, the term CMDB stems from ITIL. In the ITIL context, a CMDB represents the authorized configuration of the significant components of the IT environment. A CMDB helps an organization understand the relationships between these components and track their configuration. There are many commercial products that offer solutions that should cover every aspect of a company, but than you discover that these software are huge, difficult to manage and impossible to use and customize without the help of a consultant. That is why today I will propose some open source software for create your CMDB. The first site that I recommend you to visit is CMDB. CMDB. There are also solutions including commercial for both large and small companies that reality. From the site The aim of this site is provide clear unbiased information to assist IT managers all over the world across many market segments to unravel the hype and to define exactly what it is they should be incorporating into their own CMDB strategies. The site will be updated with regular updates as new technologies and new trends emerge in the market place. Solutions and software that are listed are done so due to their presence in the market and further suggestions are welcomed. We have left out any links and recommendations regarding Service Desk Problem Management Change Management due to the fact that organisations have such a wide variety of requirements in this area, but you will find that the solutions detailed on the enterprise solutions page will all have these offerings available. IT Operations Portal a complete open source, ITIL, web based service management tool including a fully customizable CMDB, a helpdesk system and a document management tool. Top also offers mass import tools and web services to integrate with your ITi. Top includes A complete CMDB Configuration management database allowing IT operation to document IT inventory. A Service Desk module allowing IT operation to track end user requests. An Incident management module allowing IT operation to track and communicate about all issues occurring on IT. A change management module allowing IT operation to better deal with all the changes occurring. A service management module allowing IT operation to document all the contracts and services they have under their control. A known error database allows IT operation to document fix for known issue in order to speed resolution process. An outage module allows IT operation to document all planned outages and notify concerned contacts. Dashboards allow you to quickly get an overview of your IT. Hp Cciss Driver. Ad hock report allows you to control your IT. One. CMDB is a CMDB aimed at small and medium sized businesses. One. CMDB can be used as a stand alone CMDB to keep track of software and hardware assets and their relations. Thanks to its open API s it can also be a flexible and powerful Configuration Management engine for other Service Management software. One. CMDB is easy to install and populate with data, either by hand or from other data sources. It has a user specified data model that can be altered and enhanced without programming. One. CMDB allows you to easily Create your CMDB datamodel, without writing a single line of code. Populate the database, through auto discovery of your network. Get data from various external sources through a flexible import and transform mechanism. Importexport network configuration information tofrom NAGIOS Network Monitoring System. One. CMDB is available for free download and comes with source code. Rapid. OSS built on Rapid. CMDB technology is a pragmatic solution. It does not compete with traditional CMDB products. It is designed as a federated solution from the ground up not an afterthought to leverage existing systems and data sources easily. Rapid. OSS is an integration, automation and presentation suite for IT operations management. It brings the leading web technologies into the IT management field, designed from the ground up asan open solution to minimize implementation time and the total cost of ownership and maximize skills reuse. Rapid. OSS is typically used to integrate management information from disparate management systems and present to users through a simple, unified, consistent web based user interface. Some of the more common uses of Rapid. OSS include the following Event management Enterprise Event ConsoleCollect, consolidate, manage and present events. IT Operations Management Console. Access to all IT operations information from a single pane of glass. Web portal for customers and business users. IT management information is no longer only off interest for IT organizations. Provide visibility into the services provided by ITBusiness Service Management. Add business context into IT management to align IT with the business objectives. Enhancing other management systems. Maximize the return on investment on existing systems. This site has been designed to provide an off line demonstration of the tools used in the CMDB. Many of the pages will load up as images only, it is for demo puposes only. The web content, including the calendar has been designed under the Post. Nuke Content Management System. ECDB is a collection of Open Source Tools designed for the Enterprise. Primarily they have been designed by Technical Specialists and provide only for the focused view of the problem at hand. Individually they all solve their respective problems very well, but collectively they provide for an extremely cost effective solution to an age old problem. A view of the overall technical environment. Some of the key features are NMAP Port scanning and auto discovery of network devices. Database output accessible from web pages and exported to several formats. NAGIOS Systems monitoring and Service host monitoring. Oreon NAGIOS Configuration Web Front End Configuration of NAGIOS config files is a difficult task. This graphical front end allows for easy definition of all conf files and uploads to NAGIOSOCS Inventory An enterprise ready agent reporting Asset system. Load agents on windows and linux devices and have them report systems WMI based data to a centralised web accessible database. DOC System A document system that allows for auto reminders for doc reviews and updates. Ideal for corporate situations where documents can be released to third parties. Easy detailed browsing. WEBMIN The industry standard Linux based Administration System. Post. Nuke Content Management System The industry standard Linux Content Management System. Reference http opensource cmdb. Open. Source solution for IT documentationi doit is an IT documentation system based on ITIL guidelines. It documents IT systems and their changes, defines emergency plans, displays vital information, and helps to ensure a stable and efficient operation of IT networks. Every employee can access this information easily and in a selective way through a web browser. Due to its modular architecture, it is possible to deploy functionality add ons or develop extensions.