Trojan Horse Hacking Software

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The Dangers of Smart Meters the Trojan Horse Called Sustainable Development Agenda 2. April 2. 4, 2. 01. By Tom De. Weese The word Sustainability flashes images of fresh air, clean water, and revitalized resources. Yet, Americans are discovering the reality of Sustainable Development is lost property rights and value, especially through the control of energy and water consumption, two of the stated goals of Sustainable Development and its international blue print originated by the United Nations in 1. Agenda 2. 1. Such restrictions lead to top down government control of development, commerce and population size and growth. One of the most visible affects of Sustainable policy is the restriction on the use of energy. Such restrictions are necessary, say government planners, in order to cut down on carbon emissions to curb global warming. Cutting our carbon footprint has become a government obsession. The presumptive cause and effect of increasing manmade carbon dioxide and a discernible and dangerous increase in global temperature has not been scientifically established. Over the past 1. 6 years global temperatures have plateaued, even as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen. This lack of correlation has forced many scientists to reconsider their emphasis on carbon dioxide as a significant driver of climate, and to focus on solar influences. The EPA and other federal agencies are imposing new regulations on the source of electric power, particularly on the use of coal and nuclear energy. As a result, the government is spending billions to subsidize what is called alternative energy, especially the use of wind and solar power. A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. A short video to explain the difference between virus, worm and trojan horse. Support TheCuriousEngineer on Patreon httpswww. The Dangers of Smart Meters the Trojan Horse Called Sustainable Development Agenda 21 subversion By Tom McCarey ltadminamericanpolicy. Virtualizing Cisco ESA for better performance and lower support costs. This article walks us through the migration of a Cisco Email Security Appliance from a. The Obama Administration is determined to replace the nations age old reliable carbon fuels with the yet unproven alternatives. In fact, this is not just an Obama driven obsession. International policy, through the imposition of Sustainable Development, is at the root of all world wide energy policy. It is the policy behind federal, state and local planning programs, affecting how homes are built, where they are built, and what materials can be used for building. In the name of cutting back on energy use, farm policy, including how crops are to be grown and how much energy may be used in the process. Trojan Horse Attacks. If you were referred here, you may have been hacked by a Trojan horse attack. Its crucial that you read this page and fix yourself. It also includes restrictions on the drilling of oil and shale gas, and much more. Each of these items results in higher prices for energy, driving up home heating costs and the price of gasoline. According to Sustainablist doctrine, the idea behind forcing shortages and higher prices for energy will make us change our behavior, and so change how we live by forcing us to use less energy. In that way society will lower its standards and needs to match the lower output of wind and solar power. And that, they say, is how we will reach true sustainability sacrificing modern society and giving up our standard of living. Sustainable Energy and the Power Grid The EPA has launched an all out assault on the use of coal powered electrical plants, issuing repressive regulations designed to make it all but impossible to run or build any new coal powered plants. It is ironic that the United States has more coal than perhaps any other nation on earth with vast coal based electricity potential. The Art Of War Sun Tzu Pdf Indonesia Currency. Yet the EPA and the Obama Administration are working to shut down the coal based industry based on nothing more than their virulent anti coal bias and global warming hysteria. As jobs are lost and energy costs soar from this policy, alternative energy wind and solar, according to the EPA, is the only choice for new sources of power. As a result of this official policy, the new alternative energy is now being brought onto the nations power grid. However, there is a major problem with the alternative source. Wind and solar energy are proving to be extremely unstable as a reliable source of energy. While the federal government spends billions in grants to fund for the alternative energy industry, wind and solar contribute only about 2 3 to our energy supply, and contribute only when the sun shines or the wind is blowing since they cannot be stored. And ironically, any sizeable solar or wind installation still requires a conventional fossil fuel backup generator power plant, again proving that alternative fuel is a so highly inefficient that critics can comfortably label them as a waste of money and resources. Yet government has risked everything to replace traditional energy resources with this boon doggle. Meanwhile, as more such alternative supplies are forced onto the power grid, the possibility of brown outs and power failures is growing at an alarming rate. Trojan Horse Hacking Software' title='Trojan Horse Hacking Software' />World map of smart meter installations The Global Smart Grid Map some parties would like you to believe that this globally synchronised initiative is about more accurate billing. To prevent the outages, governments around the world, including the U. S. government, have taken action to control the amount of electricity being used. The U. S. government has partnered with the nations power providers to devise a system to control energy use. The solution has been the creation and implementation of Smart Meters, as called for in the 2. Federal Energy Policy Act. That Act mandates that utility companies offer the meters and install them upon customer request. What is a Smart Meter As described on the website www. Transmitting smart meters are being installed nationwide on gas, water, and electrical services, driven in part by funding for the Smart Grid Program approved as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2. Smart meters are promoted by the power companies and government as a way to enable consumers to go online to watch how their energy consumption changes as they turn off lights, turn down their heat or air conditioning and cut down on other comforts to achieve government dictated rationing levels. This is governments high tech version of what our parents and grandparents taught us turn off the lights when you leave the room, with the bonus that the government demands financial punishments. The meters can operate with wireless microwave radiation, broadband over power lines, or wired communications. Most smart meters deployed in the United States are wireless. These meters are attached to a home or office just like your current electric meter. A stand alone smart meter complies with current Federal Communications Commission FCC safety standards, but tests have shown that multiple smart meters operating under certain circumstances exceed FCC guidelines, according to a report by Sage Associates. Smart meters operate at 9. MHz frequency, at microwave radiation levels, which adds to your exposure of radiofrequency radiation in your home. Moreover, current FCC standards are based on tissue heating effects only the test subject used was a healthy young adult. More recent research has revealed age dependent cellular, genetic, and hormonal disruptions from RF exposure. Pacific Gas and Electric reported that smart meters in their system sent as many as 1. San Diego Gas and Electric Company SDGE reported in response to a request from an Administrative Judge that smart meters installed by SDGE transmit messages on average 1. According to the governments plan, the smart meters are to replace the analog meters that have been used by utility companies for decades.